Another Sunrise Another Suicide

The Jewish Settlers have taking over my mind, usurped my heart and demolished the prison.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

imageI am leaving the world behind, the people, the places, the things, I am leaving my old self too die painfully on a vast and colorful shore.
I have to be alone, totally alone, I am going fully into nature, into the sun. I want to be destroyed, murdered by this terrible purification.

My cup became to full, the people too needy, I’ve never needed any of you, and If i did I am now asking you too let me drown.

This isn’t a suicide note, this is a sunrise.


New Joy

Toppling over the edge

I have no idea who I am and I have no desire to understand.

The flowers taught me too sing, to remain thoughtless and free.

The wind blew away my attachments, a stream surrounded by beautiful children.

The entire world is within you, this isn’t about me, it is, but No.

I was profoundly egotistical but anger has left me.

I’ve left the world while sitting still, it appears I am drowning.

Beyond Time

Beyond you and me is….


I am childish, French, Cunt. Fuck.

you’ve built yourself up high and mighty upon great hallucinations.

Find reality now or suffer.

About skypotatoadventures1234

"I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive." "The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself." Henry Miller

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